Just Because I Live In An Christian Theocracy Doesn’t Mean I Care What Jesus Said

Devin Clark
3 min readJul 20, 2024
Photo by Malcolm Lightbody on Unsplash

Since the algorithm knows I am interested in religion and spirituality, my Medium feed often has stories about how Christianity relates to topics like abortion or Donald Trump. Or how the Bible is being should be interpreted this way instead of that. Or how Christians twist the messages Jesus’s word for self serving or hypocritical reasons. Most of these stories are well thought out and I usually end up agreeing with the author. But the question is, why should I care? Why should I read these stories, or even see them in my feed?

As a non-Christian living in the US, I’m starting to resent the implicit assumption that Jesus should be important to me. I don’t like the fact that in the US one is assumed to be Christian by default. And if you aren’t Christian, it’s like you need to have and explanation for why you are not. Or have an alternate label to describe yourself with.

Like most people born and raised in this country, I was exposed to Christianity off and on throughout my life. My parents weren’t religious, but for a while we attended a Unitarian church because it was active in the anti-Vietnam War movement. Later we went to a Methodist church because my parents were looking for community and liked the music. And I went to a Presbyterian summer camp for several years, initially…

